Drink Local Challenge

January is the slowest month for a lot of breweries around the country, so… Breweries need our help! Combat Dry January by drinking and supporting local!

For that, we are bring back the January Drink Local Challenge! The rules are listed below on how to participate:

You can earn a special edition Hop Passport t-shirt during the month of January by following the steps below:

1. Get 7 new stamps in your 2025 Hop Passport. (You may revisit the same breweries if you get a new passport)

2. Take a picture of YOU, your passport or use the filter in the app, and something with the brewery’s logo at all 7 locations. Please make sure the picture is clear enough to read the location’s logo.

3. Post all pictures on Instagram (we have an option if you don’t want to post to social media), use the hashtags #amazingbreweryrace and  #dlocal3, and tag the brewery in the post by typing @ and then the brewery name (example @14erbrewing)

4. Make your Instagram profile PUBLIC so we can track your progress.

5. Want to remain private? You do NOT have to post to Instagram. Please email us your 7 pictures to info@hoppassport.com.

6. After you finish the challenge, please go to our website https://hoppassport.com/shop/ and just pay for the shipping of the shirt. (This way we know your size shirt and where to ship it) We will print the first name and last initial of the shipping address name if you do NOT fill out the form below.

7. Fill out this very short survey so we know what name to print on the t-shirts. https://forms.gle/XZji38SyBjebxjgm7

8. The challenge starts 1/1/2025 and ends on 1/31/2025 at midnight. 

We will order the shirts by February 7th. To make the shirts it takes 2-3 weeks. We will ship them out as soon as we get them.


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